The Aries Character — The First Sign of the Zodiac

Aries Symbol

Passion is never a problem for Aries. Nor is self-assertion. Nor is being downright pushy and tromping on toes if that gets a job done. Aries is long on initiative and ambition, notoriously short on tact — and few will apologize for that. Whoever first said, “Lead, follow or get out of the way,” was an Aries through and through. (Only what he meant was “I’m gonna lead. The rest of you follow. And God help whoever doesn’t get out of the way.”)

Aries people go directly for their goals. They don’t mean to be offensive; it just happens that way sometimes. And they don’t pour much oil on troubled waters when they tell complainers, “I’ve got places to go and things to do. Build a bridge — and get over it.”

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Developing Your Intuition Through Lifes Cycle

Developing intuition through each life cycle is a healthy way to take charge of the way our lives unfoldwhether the cycle be of the months or years of our lives, or the smaller cycles we go through daily from the time we rise until we sleep.

Here are seven ways to develop your intuition. Each is designed to help you get past the brain patterns youve created with your normal thinking. These methods mix up your thinking process in order to help you reach deeper into your intuition.

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How to Survive Christmas using the Tarot

Christmas, the season of goodwill and cheer is nearly upon us.
Whether one loves it or hates it there is no avoiding it. Many
people try to escape it by flying off to sunny seasides in an
attempt to rid themselves of tinsel mayhem and misery. Yet try
as they might they are still dealing with Christmas, still
acknowledging its inevitable existence and making plans to avoid

It’s around this time of year, late October, maybe a little
earlier, when Christmas starts to show itself in many, many
readings. What I’d like to share with you are which key tarot
cards to look out for that can depict Christmas, and the type of
events going on around it.

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Spiritual Guidance and Inspiration Through Tarot

The Following is an introduction to Spiritual Guidance Tarot
Reading as it is taught in my upcoming book/class Spiritual
Guidance Tarot – A Journey in Self-Discovery.”

In my many years of reading and interpreting the cards I have
discovered that the most effective readings tend to focus not on
“fortune telling” but on inspiring and motivating people to seek
their own truths within. I seek to show the individual methods
they can use to unlock their fullest potential. Personal
Empowerment should be the goal of any reading.

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Understanding Tarot: Seeing Beyond the Myths

There are many misconceptions surrounding the Tarot that have
caused much debate. For the past 15 years I have used the Tarot
as an instrument to gain understanding and insight. In this time
I have had to grow into this tool also, learning through
experience what it can and cannot do. Tarot is not a fortune
telling device as often depicted. It is not a magic wand that
lays out an easy future by providing all the answers in advance.
The future is not set in stone, our use of free will determines
what directions we take and if we believe otherwise, we give our
power away to circumstance.

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Tarot Basics

A Tarot card deck typically consists of 78 colorful cards
imprinted with what many deem fascinating and curious images.
The cards, each filled with a particular meaning and portent,
most often come somewhat larger than ordinary playing cards and
make an impressive display when ritually laid out. This deck of
special cards can be used by a trained reader for glimpsing
into his or her own future or that of another person for whom
the cards are read. The Tarot deck, divided into Major Arcana
and Minor Arcana, contains 22 symbolic cards and 56 suit cards
wands, swords, cups, and pentacles interestingly also called
pip cards.

Many types and styles of Tarot cards exist, and a breakdown of
even the more common Tarot card deck reads like a mysterious
journey into the occult and perhaps it is!

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Understanding the Tarot Card Deck, Part 2

Tarot card reading delves into an individuals psyche and thus
depends largely upon the energy that person generates, whether
consciously or subconsciously. And because human beings are
complex creatures with all kinds of major and minor issues not
only negative, but positive as well the Tarot must duly
address them all. So, although the Major Arcana bring to light
the larger issues in life, there also exists the Minor Arcana
which serve the purpose of illuminating the secret and closed
events, feelings, needs, and everyday details of our existence.

Continue reading “Understanding the Tarot Card Deck, Part 2”