Chatroom Commands

Once you register and log into Spiritualitea, you’ll be able to log into our chat room as well:

  • Just click the “chat room” button in the menu on the left side of the site
  • To join the chat, simply click the “Join chat” button
  • You can also choose a text color, which you’ll find is a great help in a crowded chat.
  • Once you’ve logged in, type your message in the box at the bottom and hit enter or click “Update” to send.
  • The messages window will update every five seconds or so (faster if you click on “Update”).
  • The newest messages appear at the top of the screen.
  • To emote rather than speak, just begin your comment with a semicolon (;). Here’s an example:

    Typing in ;walked across the room will appear as Spiritgirl walked across the room

    while typing in Hello everyone will appear as Spiritgirl – Hello everyone
  • If the messages suddenly disappear and don’t come back for
    five seconds or so, just click on “Update.” That should set things
  • You can send a private message that will only appear to one person by either selecting that person’s name in the pull-down “send to” menu in chat or by sending them an instant message via the instant message toolbar at the bottom of the site.
  • If you receive a private message via the chatroom rather than via instant message, it will appear just above the box
    where you enter your messages, but not until the next time you click on
    “Update” or send some text.
  • When you’re finished, click the “Logoff” button to sign-off.

How Do I Contact Another Member?

There are several ways you can contact another Spiritualitea member:
  • On their profile page, go to the grey “Messages” tab at the top of the page and select “Send Email.” 
  • If they are online at the same time you are, you can send them an instant message.  From any page on the site, go to the green “Spiritualitea Instant Message Toolbar” at the bottom of your browser screen.  On the right you will see a tab that says “Online Friends” along with the number of people currently online.  If you click this, selecting any name will open up a chat screen.  
    • Bear in mind that if they are idle or left their computer and their login has not yet timed out, they may not receive this message.  If you don’t hear back from them fairly quickly, you may want to email them.
    •  The names on the “Online Friends” tab does not automatically refresh.  To see if new people have logged on, reload the page you are on.
  • If you are in the chatroom, you can send private messages to anyone else in the chatroom by typing /privmsg followed by their name.  This will open a new private chatroom between you and that person.
  • You can also leave a message in the guestbook that is part of their profile.  Just click the “Profile Guestbook” tab to post.  Depending on their settings, they may not receive email notification of your message and it is a public greeting, so this is best for messages that aren’t time sensitive or confidential.

Becoming a Spiritualitea Author

Interested in writing articles or book reviews for Spiritualitea?   Send us:

  • a short bio
  • your legal name and mailing address (for our records only; your byline may be anything you like)
  • a representative writing sample (does not have to be what you plan to submit for publication)
  • a description of what you’d like to write about
  • whether or not this will be a one time submission or if you would like to contribute on a more frequent basis.

Writers are not compensated, but:

  • You may promote your book, product, website or service in the bio section of your article or review
  • When we receive review copies from publishers, we make them available free of charge to our regular contributors first
  • We occasionally send out small gifts to our most prolific authors

To submit, please use the Contact Us link at the top of the site.

About Spiritualitea

Spiritualitea began in 1998 as an online journal chronicling my spiritual explorations (back then we didn’t call them “blogs”). 

By ’99 or 2000, it had evolved into an overall spiritual site with a lively community — the chatroom was full almost 24/7.  During those years I was finishing my Ph.D. and working mostly from home for companies like and Lycos, chatting in my spare time here at ‘Tea (as folks came to call it). 

In 2002 I got my first full-time academic job as a professor and my websites went fallow — every update had to be handcoded and I just didn’t have the time.  They stayed virtually dormant for the next 6 years while I busied myself with the stressful task of earning tenure. 

Now, in 2009, I’m on my first sabbatical.  While I’ve been away, the web has changed: handcoding html has given way to content management systems, online journals became blogs, and chatrooms evolved into social networking sites. 

I still love ‘Tea: I have a sentimental attachment to the domain and the time we shared here, so I’ve decided to give her a makeover for this millennium. I’ve migrated all the old great content (look at all those articles we accumulated in those early years!) and added new features:  profiles, forums, instant messaging and more (I’ve also expanded our focus to include more than ever before on health and wellbeing — an interest that has deepened for me, perhaps as a result of growing older!).   Hopefully the new content management system will mean that keeping the site running will take less effort — it’ll have to because I won’t have another sabbatical for 7 years.  I’ll only have time for the best part: connecting with you.

