Ahh Choo! the Common Cold Cured With Homeopathy

fluI once heard a saying that
went like this: A clever doctor can cure a cold in a fortnight and it
will get well in itself in fourteen days. This is indicative of the
way colds have been dealt with while on modern medicines watch.
However, there is a certain method that can indeed address illness the
way medicine was meant to. Homeopathy. It, in fact, has a sterling reputation for not only squarely curing colds, but indeed addressing most other human sufferings.

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What Is Homeopathy?

homeopathyAbout 200 years ago Samuel
Hahnemann, a German physician, gave up his practice of medicine when he
found the medications of his time to be ineffective and dangerous. He
later resumed practice after he discovered homeopathy. Homeopathy is a
therapeutic method using natural substances in micro dosages to
stimulate the body’s innate natural resources. Homeopathy views a
person’s health as a reflection of the entire individual rather than
only in terms of the presence of isolated symptoms. Homeopathic
remedies could be effective in treating variety of acute and chronic
health problems.

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Hatha Yoga | Information on Asanas and Pranayama | History of Hatha Yoga

yogaHatha Yoga: An Overview

Hatha yoga is one of the four main traditions of Tantra Yoga. Hatha
yoga is mainly practiced for health and vitality in this modern age. It
comes from the words Ha meaning sun and Tha meaning moon unites in
Hatha Yoga. It is commonly translated as the yoga, which brings
combination “of the pairs of opposites.”

It is the symbolic combination of active and passive energies, the
opposites. Hatha yoga is sometimes also known as forceful yoga. It is
from this yoga that several other styles of yoga originated including
Power yoga, Bikram yoga, and Kundalini yoga.

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What is Kundalini Yoga?

yogaTaken from the book Open your heart with Kundalini Yoga, by Siri Datta

the ages, in every civilization, there has been a hidden pathway, a
secret technology of discovery, which enables the individual to reach
the ultimate potential. This is a technique that has the ability to
elevate, inspire and awaken the individual to their own greatness. That
greatness is within every one of us, and the technology that can do
this is Kundalini Yoga.

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The Raw Food Diet

vegetablesThe raw food diet is as much a life-style as an eating plan; a naturalistic approach which excludes, in addition to cooked and animal foods, processed and refined ingredients.

In the ever-hungry quest for new fads and health panaceas, the raw food diet, with adherents such as Woody Harrelson and Donna Karan, is growing in mainstream popularity. Unlike many other bandwagons however, raw foods (also referred to as living foods’), offer unarguable health benefits and one can reap rewards even as a 50% dabbler. To be a 100% extremist takes commitment, discipline and education and is best introduced gradually to avoid the overwhelm of inevitable detoxification.

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Raw Food Recipe – Helen’s Best Blueberry or Blackberry Pie Raw Recipe

blueberryIf you’re looking for a healthy alternative to cooked berry pies or
even cooked desserts that are laden with unhealthy fats and sugars, why
not try my live-food, free, easy, raw berry pie recipe. Many people are
gradually making the switch from cooked desserts and cooked foods which
are causing so many of our health problems today. It doesn’t matter if
you’re a raw fooder or eat the standard American diet; you’ll love this
raw berry pie recipe and know that you’re doing your body good in the


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