What Is Homeopathy?

homeopathyAbout 200 years ago Samuel
Hahnemann, a German physician, gave up his practice of medicine when he
found the medications of his time to be ineffective and dangerous. He
later resumed practice after he discovered homeopathy. Homeopathy is a
therapeutic method using natural substances in micro dosages to
stimulate the body’s innate natural resources. Homeopathy views a
person’s health as a reflection of the entire individual rather than
only in terms of the presence of isolated symptoms. Homeopathic
remedies could be effective in treating variety of acute and chronic
health problems.

Remedies, not herbal supplements.

Homeopathic medicines are therapeutically active micro dosages of
botanical, biological and mineral substances. In other words they may
be prepared from plants, minerals, or animal products. These substances
are prepared by a process of repeated dilution and succussion (shaking)
which makes them capable of stimulating the healing process.

Homeopathy provides an individualized treatment tailored to the
uniqueness of each person. It takes into consideration a person’s
environment and their way of life.

How Does Homeopathy Work?

Homeopathic remedies are believed to stimulate innate natural defense
systems. It is speculated that electromagnetic signals or energies are
transferred in the diluted homeopathic preparations retaining the
“memory” of the original substance used, thereby triggering responses
in the body.

Homeopathy acts according to the “Law of Similars” which states that
“likes cure likes”. This means that a remedy which in large doses cause
certain problems, will in homeopathic dose, stimulate healing of
similar problems. For example, if you suffer from a skin eruptions that
is similar to that caused by poison ivy, a homeopathic dose of poison
ivy, can stimulate the body to get rid of that poison ivy-like eruption.

The absence of scientific explanation for the effectiveness of
homeopathic remedies lead some to argue that homeopathy is nothing more
than a “placebo effect”. Studies, however, have repeatedly shown that
homeopathic remedies are more effective than placebo, in addition they
are effective in animals who are unaware of the intended effects and
therefore cannot exhibit a placebo effect.

Are Homeopathic Remedies Safe?

Because of the extreme dilution, homeopathic remedies are safe and free
of toxic effects. The FDA regulates the homeopathic industry, but
homeopathic remedies contrary to regular medicines, may be marketed
without following FDA’s clearance procedures, FDA justifies its
regulatory distinction upon the relative positive safety profile of
homeopathic remedies.

What is the Difference Between Homeopathy and Herbs?

Herbs, like traditional western medicines, are complex substances that
need to be broken inside our bodies into micro-nutrients before they
could be used by our cells. This conversion requires energy, however,
for many sick and depleted persons such energy expenditure at the cell
level is usually only partially possible. Homeopathic remedies, on the
other hand, are simple medicines readily utilized by our cells, even in
the very sick ones. In recent years homeopathic remedies have become
increasingly popular, possibly as a result of a renewed interest in the
use of natural medicines.

Because homeopathic medications are given in such highly diluted
concentrations it is extremely unlikely that they cause side effects or
toxic reactions. While the homeopathic industry is regulated by the
FDA, herbs are not. This guarantees the quality of the homeopathic

Can I Mix Homeopathy & Traditional Drugs?

There are no known drug interaction risks. Thus an individual taking
conventional drugs for hypertension can also take homeopathic remedies
for any reason.

Homeopathy and Detoxification

Homeopathic remedies are vital to achieve body and organ
detoxification; the process helps our bodies to get rid of accumulated
toxins over the years. Sources of toxins include diet, traditional
medications and environmental toxins.

Are Homeopathic Remedies Covered by Insurance?

Not yet, however these remedies usually cost less than your drugs co-payment.

Are Homeopathic Remedies Safe for Children?

Yes, because they are made from all natural substances, and because of
the extreme dilution there is no need to worry about chemical
ingredients or side effects.


Soliman M.D. is Board Certified in Medical Acupuncture with a degree
from UCLA.  You can find out more about Dr. Soliman and the alternative
medical therapies he provides by visiting his site at http://alternativemedicinecenter.org.  Visit one of our centers for complete evaluation using homeopathic approaches.

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