Detox Myths Shattered: the Truth About Internal Cleansing

The media is abuzz lately with stories about detox. Oprah, Beyonce,
Gwenth Paltrow, and other celebs are drawing the attention of the
medical community, the press, and the public as the detox phenomenon
quickly picks up speed.  Doctors are frantically scurrying to annihilate detox out of the
sphere of influence, making claims that invalidate and attack internal
cleansing methods, labeling them dangerous, and ineffective. The
scare tactics being employed by M.D.s, however, can be demystified
with a little common sense. Allow me to explain why the medical
industry wants to boot detox off the radar screen by addressing the
three biggest myths told by doctors and spun by journalists:

1.        The body is already capable of detoxing itself. Isnt this a nice thought? See, this would be
true if a person were in a perfect state of health, entirely free of
toxins in the first place. Given that 100% of people are exposed to
toxins through food, water, pesticides, cleaning products, pollution,
and loads of invisible environmental toxins on a daily basis, it is
safe to assume that all of us are, on some level, toxic. Doctors claim
that the body is capable of eliminating these toxins effectively
without the aid of a detox program. The problem, however, is that toxic
overload, (which often results simply from consuming processed,
packaged food over a lifetime) inhibits the body from being able to
eliminate waste and other toxic material quickly enough. The result is
essentially a clogged digestive tract that is unable to absorb
nutrients properly. Furthermore, disease cannot exist in an
alkaline, oxygenated enviroment. ____________ won the Nobel Peace price
in 1XXX for this discovery. Given this idea,  people would not suffer
from chronic health ailments or disease at all unless they
were internally toxic on some level. Disease thrives in an acidic
environment, and detoxing assists the body in obtaining a more alkaline

2.        Detox is dangerous. The only thing
dangerous about detox is that it threatens the very foundation of
western medicine. Think about it. If people could obtain vibrant health
without the use of drugs or invasive surgeries, then there goes the
billion dollar pharmeceutical industry and the careers of many doctors.
Medical M.D.s have every reason to critcize and debunk a practice that
directly threatens their jobs. Yet, this claim is not only based on
defending the medical profession, but also a great deal of ignorance.
Typically, medical school programs spend about a day covering material
about nutrition. The heart of detox is based on how foods affect the
internal atmosphere of the body, and using the right foods, herbs, and
natural supplements to correct imbalances. One day of nutrition out of
several years of study cannot possibly afford doctors enough
information to understand the concept of detox. So, why do doctors
claim detox is dangerous? Probably based on the symptoms that many
people experience when first undertaking a detox regime: headaches,
nausea, fatigue, and other vague symptoms that may resemble a flu or
cold. What is common knowledge in the Ayurvedic, holistic, and detox
health community has obviously escaped doctorsthe idea of the healing
crisis.  What happens during a detox can be compared to washing a pan
that has crusted food stuck to the bottom. The toxic debris that get
stored in our bodies is suddenly released and circulating in our
bloodstream and throughout our cells before being eliminated, causing
symptoms resembling illness the first few days of a detox. Often times,
physical symptoms from previous diseases will surface, as residual
traces have been stored in the body. Think about the dirty pan. Adding
a cleansing agent like water will loosen debris so it can be washed
away. A healing crisis, contrary to popular belief, is a good sign that
the detox is working properly. It is no more dangerous than getting
the oil changed for your car. The rewards of sticking it out through a
healing crisis are far greater than staying toxic.

3.        Detox involves eliminating food groups and deprives you of proper nutrition Only in America do people gasp at the idea of deprivation. The overly indulgent nature of our society is most likely the cause of
nutrition deprivation. Eating processed crap will certainly starve my
body of much needed nutrients. The claim that doctors make in regard to
detox is that it is not healthy to eliminate certain food groups.
However, this is only partially true. Detoxing doesnt always involve
cutting carbs, going vegetarian, or giving up sugar. When it does, it
serves an important purpose by allowing the body to restore digestive
functions and eliminate toxins effectively. Certain detox regimes, such
as the Master Cleanse or juicing, do involve eliminating solid foods,
gluten, meat, or other things for a period of time. However, giving up
steak and potatoes or candy bars for a month is not putting you in
danger of nutritional deficiencies. Clinical studies have proven that
vegans and vegetarians can acquire the same amount of nutrients and
proteins from plant sources as meat-eaters. Additionally, detox
programs are short in duration, meaning that you cant adopt a nutrient
deficiency if you decide to juice fast for a week. Granted, it is
always wise to speak to a health care practitioner about your needs if
you have conditions like diabetes or hypoglycemia, yet most people can
safely detox and will not be nutritionally deprived. Another thing to
consider about this myth is that giving up certain foods does not mean
you are eliminating an entire food group. White bread, for example, can
be replaced with sprouted grains, rye, or spelt. Processed sugar can be
replaced with natural sugar. The protein in meat can be exchanged for
nuts and seeds. Detoxing does not have to be about deprivation and
starvation. If you dont want to drink maple syrup and lemonade for 10
days, there are plenty of foods that you can eat while doing a detox
that will keep you nourished and healthy.

The medical community will continue to clamor about detox. One of
their biggest claims at the moment is that there is no data to
scientifically prove that detox is effective. Correct me if Im wrong,
but it might have something to do with the lack of scientific research
even conducted on the subject. No data simply means that clinical
studies have not been performed, evaluated, and infiltrated into the
scientific and medical communities. Furthermore, something tells me
that they wouldnt be made public by the very powerhouses that would be
threatened by conclusive evidence in support of the health benefits of
detox. In any case, the proof is in the pudding. Ive seen tumors
shrink, a diabetic go off his insulin, and many other chronic health
issues vanish with detox. As ancient Ayurvedic medicine holds, all
disease starts in the GI tract. Where medical doctors and holistic
doctors disagree, is how to treat the disease, with the former focusing
on controlling symptoms, and the latter investigating and curing the
root cause of the disease. Of course it would be difficultto prove that
a certain disease went away by cleansing the digestive tract and
detoxing. But the process of elimination would suggest that when
nothing else works, detox is the culprit of the cure.

While western medicine certainly has its place in society (if I
break my arm, a detox wont fix it), be wary of their expertise when it
comes to detox.

For more information about detox, visit

About Shannon Law: My Mission is to inspire and help people transform their lives. I’m
passionate about educating people about holistic health and empowering
them to take charge of their health.

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