Headaches – What a Pain! Homeopathy Helps

headacheThe subject of headaches is a vast one, but neednt be elusive. Homeopathy has a reputation for addressing headaches squarely without side effects and worsening of the person in general.

first step in bringing the person to a better state of being is to stop
taking analgesics. Tylenol, aspirin and their derivatives admittedly
remove the pain, but only to suppress the illness and throw it into the
future with greater vitality. Homeopathy, on the other hand, is reputed
for not only relieving the headaches, but eliminating them permanently
for the future. Homeopathy addresses all illness on an individual
basis, so headache relief needs to be addressed in the same way.


Read through the following remedies and choose the best one for your
situation. Then take a dose every hour until relief is sustained. When
relief is at hand, stop. Lets look at the top remedies for this malady:

The first remedy to consider for headaches that are in the face is Kali Bichromium30.
These headaches present above or between the eyebrows or start over one
eye, then travel to the other or reside at the root of the nose. These
are the headaches of a sinus nature that respond to a barometric
pressure change and are made worse on stooping. If this cluster of
symptoms exists, not only will the remedy eliminate the present pain,
but will make the next similar headache a longer distance away from the
present one and less painful . Eventually, and not too far distant in
the future, the pain will not appear at all.

For headaches that come after eating rich foods, such as ice-cream, the best remedy is Pulsatilla 30.
These headaches often affect women and girls and particularly those of
a more feminine nature. Another remedy useful for the after effects of
eating too many rich foods is Nux vomica 30. It is often due
to indigestion, constipation or too many laxatives or other
medicaments. This remedy should be taken twice daily for a few days
until the pain disappears. Now, unless more drugs are ingested, the
pain will not return.

If the headache presents after grief, sorrow, emotion or worry, the sufferer will find relief from Ignatia 30, named after St. Ignatius.

Consider the remedy Belladonna
30 when the headache is as a result of too much sun, when the face is
red and flushed, with throbbing in the head and particularly in the
veins and arteries.

Gelsemium 30 is your remedy when a
headache is brought on by anticipatory anxiety. This can be common with
children who are afraid of being on stage for a school play or for an
adult who has to appear in front of a crowd. It is infallible for the
headaches of ministers, courtroom lawyers and politicians.

headaches of the gravest degree, however, are those called migraines.
This is a category in itself and often requires expert homeopathic
care. I find that the most common remedy to offer relief is Iris
30. These headaches are those that come on periodically, such as every
week or month and are ushered in with ocular disturbances, such as
blurred vision. There is often nausea and vomiting with throbbing,
shooting pain in the forehead and a profuse amount of saliva.. There
can also be pulsing pain through out the body and include burning in
the anus with straining and bearing down.

This is but a small
sampling of the most valuable remedies in the homeopaths arsenal, but
an excellent place to start for the novice. After you feel better,
consider homeopathy for all of your familys ailments. Purchase a kit
of remedies, homeopathy books, CDs and take courses to learn as much
as you can about this powerful method. Then when everything is put in
order, prepare for a short duration of pain when you use the most
intelligent medicine on the earth.Homeopathy.


calabreseJoette Calabrese HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na)
298 Ashland Ave
Buffalo, NY 14222
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Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/diseases-and-conditions-articles/headaches-what-a-pain-homeopathy-helps-716953.html

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