Ask Phoenix: Defining Terms – What is the difference between Old Religion, Eclectic, and Kitchen Wicca?

Q: Could you elaborate on the
difference in Old Religion, Eclectic
and Kitchen Wiccan and the mixes of these? I’m searching through the
web, but I’d like a comparitive opinion or observation, not my
uneducated deductions…Thank you.

— Kimberly

A: As you probably already know,
Wicca is a twentieth century religion. It was created out of human
minds, a mix of ancient practices, turn of the century spiritualism,
and ceremonialism and has evolved to incorporate environmental and
feminist beliefs. The more witches you meet, the more different
traditions you may hear about and they can sound a bit confusing,
especially when the names don’t appear to reveal much about their
particular practice.

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Ask Phoenix: How to Become a Witch

Q: Since I first learned about wicca and magic and all that about
spiritualism I have been wanted to become a witch. I have made a small
book of shadows and I perform some small time rituals. But I never had
any comunication with any real wicca other than reading stuff on the
net. I only wonder what am I supposed to do to gain power and knowledge
to become a stronger witch.


A: The first thing that any witch
comes to realize is that practicing Wicca involves transformation of
the self. The quest for power and knowledge becomes the quest for power
over one’s actions and knowledge of one’s inner self, both dark and

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Ask Phoenix: Picking Up the Pieces – Surviving after your coven disbands

Q: I started practicing wicca
several years ago with a coven that had many
internal problems. The coven fell apart and I stopped practicing.
However, lately, I’ve been feeling the need to pick it up again. What I
am unsure of is; when (ie: which sabbat, moon phase, etc.) should I
start on… and is it unwise to just try to pick it up again after
neglecting it for so long? I would really appreciate your help.
— Bridgid

A: Working with others is
probably one of the most rewarding parts of being Wiccan. Losing ties
to a coven can be devastating and can rock the foundation of your
beliefs. But it’s possible to bounce back and be a stronger witch for
the experience.

Continue reading “Ask Phoenix: Picking Up the Pieces – Surviving after your coven disbands”

Ask Phoenix: The Magickal Properties of Stones, Rocks & Crystals

Q: I am told that there is a special energy in stones, rocks, crystals,
and other natural earth formations. how does one go about *feeling* the
energy in these objects, how does one meditate on these things, and what
are they used for?

— Marley

A: The energy that is attributed to stones and crystals is usually a
product of an association, emotion, or other sense that someone feels
about the stone. It may not necessarily be the case that a spark like
lightening jumps off that chunk of obsidian, but its smooth surface may
spark images in your mind’s eye that are just as potent.


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How To Meditate: A Guide For The Complete Beginner

Meditation is not a complex matter. It’s not even a spiritual practice,
as many people think, unless you wish to make it one. It is more like
aerobics for the mind. It tones and tunes up the thinking processes
and the emotions and brings everyday life into sharper focus and new
degrees of ease and harmony. It will NOT turn you into a flower-
brandishing pansy or a grinning freak. It can improve your athletic
performance or your love life, even increase your IQ. And the best part
about meditation is that it requires nothing on your part but the time
it takes to do it.


Continue reading “How To Meditate: A Guide For The Complete Beginner”

The Power of Presence

 All around us is a life-giving, life-regulating power that
always has been and always will be. Called the Life Force, it is the
active aspect of the intelligence that is the Source of all life. The
most healing, empowering, and creative act we can do for ourselves is
to consciously connect to this force, which can only be experienced in
the present moment. In the present moment connection is automatic.

Such a connection is not intellectual; it is a feeling.
Having a mental understanding of the subject merely points the way to
the experience; it is not the experience itself. “You cant try to get
it,” Dr. Milton Trager, developer of the Trager
Approach, said. “to try is to fail. You dont try. To try is effort
and effort is tension. We dont try. We just allow it to happen.”


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The Most Important Dimension of Human Existence

Were here to find that dimension

within ourselves

that is deeper than thought.

This teaching isnt based on
knowledge, on new interesting facts, new information. The world is full
of that already. You can push any button on the many devices you have
and get information. Youre drowning in information.

ultimately, what is the point of it all? More information, more things,
more of this, more of that. Are we going to find the fullness of life
through more things and greater and bigger shopping malls?

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Charmed, I’m Sure: The Ethics of Love Spells

Charmed, I'm Sure To gain the love of someone: On a night of the full moon, walk to a spot
beneath your beloved’s bedroom window, and whisper his/her name three times to
the nightwind.

    –Ozark love spell

It seems to be an immutable law of nature. You are interviewed by a
local radio or TV station, or in some local newspaper. The topic of the
interview is Witchcraft or Paganism, and you spend the better part of an hour
brilliantly articulating your beliefs, your devotion to Goddess and nature,
the difference between Witchcraft and Satanism, and generally enlightening the
public at large. The next day, you are flooded with calls. Is it people
complimenting you on such a splendid interview? No. People wanting to find
out more about the religion of Wicca? Huh-uh. People who are even vaguely
interested in what you had to say??? Nope. Who is it? It’s people asking
you to do a love spell for them!

Continue reading “Charmed, I’m Sure: The Ethics of Love Spells”

Midwinter’s Eve: YULE

Our Christian friends are often quite surprised at how enthusiastically we Pagans
celebrate the ‘Christmas’ season. Even though we prefer to use
the word ‘Yule’, and our celebrations may peak a few days
before the 25th, we nonetheless follow many of the traditional
customs of the season: decorated trees, carolling, presents,
Yule logs, and mistletoe. We might even go so far as putting
up a ‘Nativity set’, though for us the three central characters
are likely to be interpreted as Mother Nature, Father Time, and
the Baby Sun-God. None of this will come as a surprise to
anyone who knows the true history of the holiday, of course.

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