About Spiritualitea

Spiritualitea began in 1998 as an online journal chronicling my spiritual explorations (back then we didn’t call them “blogs”). 

By ’99 or 2000, it had evolved into an overall spiritual site with a lively community — the chatroom was full almost 24/7.  During those years I was finishing my Ph.D. and working mostly from home for companies like Match.com and Lycos, chatting in my spare time here at ‘Tea (as folks came to call it). 

In 2002 I got my first full-time academic job as a professor and my websites went fallow — every update had to be handcoded and I just didn’t have the time.  They stayed virtually dormant for the next 6 years while I busied myself with the stressful task of earning tenure. 

Now, in 2009, I’m on my first sabbatical.  While I’ve been away, the web has changed: handcoding html has given way to content management systems, online journals became blogs, and chatrooms evolved into social networking sites. 

I still love ‘Tea: I have a sentimental attachment to the domain and the time we shared here, so I’ve decided to give her a makeover for this millennium. I’ve migrated all the old great content (look at all those articles we accumulated in those early years!) and added new features:  profiles, forums, instant messaging and more (I’ve also expanded our focus to include more than ever before on health and wellbeing — an interest that has deepened for me, perhaps as a result of growing older!).   Hopefully the new content management system will mean that keeping the site running will take less effort — it’ll have to because I won’t have another sabbatical for 7 years.  I’ll only have time for the best part: connecting with you.



Using Herbs Simply and Safely

Are herbs “dilute forms of drugs” – and therefore dangerous? Or are they “natural” – and therefore safe? If you sell herbs, you probably hear these questions often. What is the “right” answer? It depends on the herb! These thoughts on herbs will help you explain to your customers (and yourself) how safe–or dangerous– any herb might be.

Continue reading “Using Herbs Simply and Safely”

An Open Letter from Silver Ravenwolf

I’d like to openly thank the hundreds of people who have sent me positive
e-mails on the upcoming Teen Witch Kit. Although several newsgroups are
indicating I am receiving a great deal of negative e-mail, and I’m told
that a few webpages are trying their best to damage my reputation, to
be honest I’ve only received negative e-mails from twelve people. What
is more surprising and heartening, I’ve also received quite a few
apologies for words hastily said.

Most people are seeing the work in the manner it was meant – uplifting,
positive, of assistance. I have never believed in giving energy to
negative comments, and have never believed in flame wars, which is why
I really haven’t said much. When I wonder about something I’ve seen on
the net, I meditate and ask Spirit. I think this is what most people
are doing.

Continue reading “An Open Letter from Silver Ravenwolf”